Monday, July 20, 2009

Why You Need to Register for PyOhio

From our fearless leader, Catherine Devlin:

Here it comes! PyOhio starts this Saturday. (Actually, sprints start Friday night!)

Are you ready? Have you registered? Please register right away at 4 top reasons:

1. Only pre-registered attendees will be eligible for fabulous swag prizes.

2. The organizers need to figure out how much food to order. If we get it wrong, there could be food riots. That would be bad.

3. Sponsors want hard attendance data. They are not impressed when we say that PyOhio draws "a bunch of people".

4. It's possible that we could run out of space. If that happens, it's same-day walk-ins who will have to walk the plank.

We have 126 registered right now, already handily topping last year's total of 92. I know there are lots more of you out there, though - so register!

Hope to see you there!

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