Friday, June 26, 2009

Looking for Volunteers

We're less than a month away and we're still looking for volunteers. So please, spread the word!

Here's what we're looking for:

A/V COORDINATOR (projectors)

We need somebody to check on the projectors in the morning, see that they're present and fully-functional, and be a "go to" person in case there are problems during the day (which, hopefully, there won't be).


It basically involves deciding what to get, placing orders for food, seeing that any deliveries are directed to the right place, and getting people to haul any stuff we decide to bring in ourselves.


Although sponsorships are rolling in, we can always use someone who's organized and good at bringing in sponsorships and tracking sponsorships as well.


This year, we have an evening together, and if everybody disperses to their homes and hotels as 6 PM, our fearless leader may cry. (And we really, really, REALLY don't want that to happen...) Right now, the only thing we are definitely doing on Saturday evening is Open Spaces - which is expected to be fantastic, incidentally. A greater variety of activities would give people more options and help keep people from going home early just because they don't know what Open Spaces are.

Some possible evening activities...

- Sprints (possibly including a GiveCamp continuation)
- Group dinner expeditions to restaurants
- After-party
- ?

Basically, somebody's got to think about this, make some suggestions, find out who's interested, make some decisions, and beat the drum to get people involved. (And work with the publicity lead so that she can get the word out as well.)


Plenty of people asked whether last year's talks were recorded. It would be especially nice this year, since multiple talks will be going at once... but we need somebody with the time to make it happen. We should be able to borrow some A/V equipment from OSU and/or PyCon, if someone can make the arrangements, find and instruct volunteers to do the taping, and get the results posted on the Web.


Some people in the community have been curious about the GiveCamp happening the weekend before PyOhio. Wait... haven't heard about it? Check out the Columbus GiveCamp site! There have been talks of possibly working remotely or attending, but there doesn't seem to be anyone stepping up to lead the effort. If you're interested, please step forward!


Receive shipments of swag, bring them to the conference, arrange and run a drawing. Easy and crowd-pleasing. (Take it from a former swag coordinator - there's nothing like having a house full of swag and seeing it disappear at a conference!)

So are you interested? Contact us at and let us know how you can help!

1 comment:

  1. Coming in from out of town, I want to max out my Python experience, so, for me, spending time going out for dinner and/or after party == dispersing.

    Mini Sprints sound good, and GiveCamp mini projects sound good...
